Software (Evaluation-Functionality)


Non-Functional Versus Functional Testing; What's in the Black Box? –  Software Testing and Quality Assurance by iBeta

(iBeta, 2023)

What is Software Functionality?

Software functionality refers to the features, capabilities, and tasks that a software application or system can perform. It encompasses the specific functions and operations that the software is designed to carry out to meet the needs of its users or solve a particular problem.

(Albrecht et al. 1983)

Software functionality can include a wide range of aspects, such as:

  1. Core Features: The essential functions and capabilities of the software that address the main purpose or requirements. For example, a word processing software's core features would include creating, editing, and formatting documents.

  2. Input and Output: The software's ability to accept input from users or other systems and produce relevant output or results. This can involve data entry, file import/export, or integration with external systems.

  3. Data Manipulation: The ability to perform operations on data, such as sorting, searching, filtering, calculations, transformations, or data validation.

  4. User Interaction: The way users can interact with the software, including navigation, menus, buttons, forms, and user interface elements. It includes features like drag-and-drop, multi-select, undo/redo, context menus, and keyboard shortcuts.

    Software functionality is crucial as it determines the value and usefulness of the software for its intended users. It is essential to align the software's functionality with the needs and objectives of the users or organization to ensure it meets their requirements effectively. (Albrecht et al. 1983)

    Reference List:

    Albrecht, A.J. and Gaffney, J.E., 1983. Software function, source lines of code, and development effort prediction: a software science validation. IEEE transactions on software engineering, (6), pp.639-648.

    Non-functional versus functional testing; What’s in the black box? (2023) Software Testing and Quality Assurance by iBeta. Available at: (Accessed: 3 June 2023).


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