Process Methodology (Agile)

(Adam, 2021)

Agile is an incremental, iterative method to software development that prioritises providing value to consumers through brief, regular releases. Throughout the development process, it places a focus on cooperation, adaptation, and flexibility. According to the Agile methodology, the development process is divided into shorter iterations called sprints, which typically run one to four weeks. A set of features or user stories are planned, designed, coded, tested, and reviewed during each sprint. For each sprint, the development team closely collaborates with stakeholders, including product owners and users, to collect feedback and determine which features are most important.    

(AI-Saqqa et al. , 2020)

The key principles of Agile include:

  1. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation: Agile promotes frequent and direct interaction with customers and stakeholders to ensure that the development team understands and meets their needs.

  2. Responding to change over following a plan: Agile acknowledges that requirements and priorities can change over time, and it encourages flexibility and adaptability to respond to those changes effectively.

  3. Working software over comprehensive documentation: Agile emphasizes the importance of delivering working software that provides value to users rather than focusing excessively on extensive documentation.

  4. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools: Agile recognizes that effective communication and collaboration among team members are crucial for successful software development.

    (Kumar and Bhatia, 2012)

The Agile technique is implemented by a number of frameworks, including Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming (XP). These frameworks offer detailed rules and procedures that support the Agile tenets and aid teams in efficiently managing their work.
All things considered, the Agile methodology encourages a more iterative and customer-centered approach to software development, enabling quicker feedback, improved flexibility, and continuous improvement throughout the development lifecycle.

(Williams, 2010)

Reference List:

Adam, J. (2021) ‘What is Agile software development? - K&C’, K&C, 26 July. Available at: (Accessed: 3 June 2023).

Kumar, G. and Bhatia, P.K., 2012. Impact of agile methodology on software development process. International Journal of Computer Technology and Electronics Engineering (IJCTEE)2(4), pp.46-50.

Al-Saqqa, S., Sawalha, S. and AbdelNabi, H., 2020. Agile software development: Methodologies and trends. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies14(11).

Williams, L., 2010. Agile software development methodologies and practices. In Advances in computers (Vol. 80, pp. 1-44). Elsevier.


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